samedi 3 janvier 2009

1001 films to see before I die

So that book became my new bible 9 months ago.

As some people might know, I have some kind of neurosis that push me to finish whatever Herculean task I've started. Reading Don Quixote's 1200 pages, finishing up a 6000 pieces jigsaw puzzle left at my parents' house, reading the 'how to speak Dutch in 10 chapters' book...
And well, seeing the 1001 films before I die.

Obviously, they missed some classics (according to me) but on the other hand it gives me a nice panel of various types of cinema to watch.

As of May 4th 2008, the day I purchased the book, I had seen 327 of the 1001 films they mention. Since then, I'm not sure how many more I checked out but I'll be sure to count again on May 4th 2009.
I guess I'll be blogging about some of the most striking ones in the meantime.

2 commentaires:

  1. Wow! Impressive! Will you make a top ten recommandation list for non-Herculean people like me?

  2. wooooh, top ten out of 1001? ... well out of 330 so far... ?
    no way i can leave out 320 films!
    The purpose is to discover new things, to force yourself to watch something you wouldn't have been drawn to, otherwise. Sometimes, it's boring, but you often find little gems around!
